Have you ever wanted to share the MCCN E-newsletter with other members of your congregation or post it to your Facebook page? It’s easy!
- Click on the link in the upper right corner that says, “View this email in your browser.” That will take you to a web page version of this newsletter.
- Now you can copy that url and use it to hotlink words as you would with any other web page. If you right click, you can print the page too.
- Another way to share something in the newsletter is to go to the blog on our website and scan recent posts. Newsletter content is also posted there.
- Above the newsletter is a bar that may also prove helpful. On the left, your readers have the option to subscribe themselves or view past issues. The latter link is handy if you want to recycle tidbits for a newsletter or bulletin board.
- On the right side of the bar, Google Translate stands ready to help you share MCCN with speakers of other languages.