reprinted from the Virginia Mennonite Missions website.
May 11, 2011
by VMM staff
HARRISONBURG, VA. – A group of youth, young adults, and convention delegates will bike to the Mennonite convention in Pittsburgh this summer from Harrisonburg, Virginia. On the way, the group will engage the convention theme of Christ’s reconciling work (2 Corinthians 5:16-20) with both their minds and their bodies, in hopes of better understanding their role in God’s work. Before arriving at the convention, they will also join the Anabaptist Missional Project gathering at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center for a day and a half-long summit entitled, “Renewing the Story: Anabaptism and Mission for Today.”
The group will ride approximately 275 miles through four states to arrive at convention, most of which will be on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail, a bike trail along an old railroad grade with a terminus in Pittsburgh. The group will leave Harrisonburg Thursday, June 30, and will ride an average of 70 miles per day – camping at night – to arrive in time for the July 4 convention opening.
The Anabaptist Missional Project, who will host the gathering at Laurelville, describes itself as “a network of young Anabaptist Christian leaders who love Jesus, care about the church, and seek to be part of God’s mission in the world.” Their core vision is animated by commitments to “Anabaptist faith and identity,” “church as a way of life,” “authentic worship,” “holistic local and global mission,” “young adults as partners in leadership,” and “unity in the midst of diversity.” More information on the network can be found at
The 5-day ride will cost $90 per person, plus the $85 registration fee for the AMP gathering. Any persons interested in participating should contact coordinators Lars Åkerson – – and Nicholas Detweiler-Stoddard – – by May 27. A training schedule will be made available for riders, and there will be weekly group training rides in Harrisonburg leading up to the ride.