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“What can we do?” This is a question that churches frequently ask when considering the complex array of problems we are facing in the midst of the earth’s changing climate.

Mennonite Church USA’s Climate Justice Ministry seeks to resource congregations and conferences practically and theologically, as they seek to follow Jesus in a climate-changed world. We recognize the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to stabilize our climate. To ensure a just and habitable world for future generations, we must change the way we live — from our transportation habits to the efficiency of our buildings, how we relate to land and animals, how we eat, and how we deal with waste. And for these changes to be long-lasting and just, we must tend to the theological and spiritual foundations that shape how we relate to Creator God, our human neighbors and the whole of creation.

The journey toward climate justice can seem daunting, especially if we’re trying to go it alone. But when we work — and worship and play! — together along this path, we can sustain meaningful change! There are many practical steps that congregations can take to seek healing and justice for people and the earth. Supporting the shift away from fossil-fuel consuming and greenhouse-gas-emitting internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles is one

practical step that congregations can take. Electric vehicles are quickly becoming more affordable and accessible. But a gap remains in people’s knowledge about EVs, and the availability of charging station infrastructure is limited, especially in rural areas. Churches can help fill these gaps in information and infrastructure.

Due to the generosity of Russell DeYoung, who established the Pam DeYoung Net Zero Energy Grant, in memory of his late wife, MC USA is able to help financially support congregations, as they install EV charging stations. And with this guide, we hope to answer some of the questions — both ethical and practical — that congregations may be asking, as they consider installing EV charging stations.

We are glad you are here! May the Spirit of Christ grant you courage, strength and joy, as you seek justice for God’s beautiful and groaning earth and all who dwell in it.

Karla Stoltzfus Detweiler, Climate Justice Coordinator for Mennonite Church US

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