Where do you go for environmental news? We asked several environmental professionals in our network what they read to keep up on issues. Here are some of their answers:
- Environmental News Network Gathers news from around the world on a wide variety of topics.
- David Suzuki Foundation A high profile Canadian environmental activist.
- Grist A commitment to humor makes this news site appealing. Environmental disasters aren’t any fun if you can’t laugh at yourself.
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The IPCC assesses the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change.
- Mennonite Central Committee environment pages, Washington Ottawa Hydraulic fracturing, mountaintop removal, mining justice are some of the issues MCC is exploring.
- Pembina Institute a Canadian not-for-profit that provides policy research leadership focused on developing innovative sustainable energy solutions.
- Sightline Institute Focus on the Northwest USA.
- Worldwatch Institute A globally focused environmental research organization based in Washington D.C.