Mennonite Creation Care Network challenges churches to integrate care of creation into their ministries and daily living. We think of our network of partner churches as a glorious green patchwork quilt with many shades and shapes. We know that each congregation brings a unique context and set of gifts to our planet’s need for care. We welcome your church to our palette. Let us be agents of change wherever we are and whatever our communities are like!
Congregations are listed when they complete the FIRST STEPS category. The additional steps are encouraged as time, energy and interest aligns. Use this form to join.
- Awareness: Church members know about the work of MCCN. Some of them, including the pastor and office manager, receive the MCCN newsletter.
- Consensus: The pastors and other decision-makers have agreed on the congregation being listed as a partner congregation with MCCN.
- Creation care liaison: The church identifies someone to be the communication link to and from MCCN. Church members know who their liaison is.
- Assess: Work with the Greener Congregation Score Sheet to evaluate what areas you may be called to address.
- Educate: Study creation care in a manner appropriate to your context. The Every Creature Singing curriculum on the MCCN website is one option.
- Discern actions appropriate to the context and the gifts in the congregation.
- Connect to MCCN: The liaison makes at least one connection with MCCN staff each year by phone, email or by attending a liaison gathering. He or she also responds to occasional requests for updates.
- Connect to broader efforts: The congregation seeks relationships that can enhance their efforts. The liaison might get to know other liaisons through MCCN, or a green group might invite the leader of a local environmental organization to speak.
- Create a creation care webpage for your website: Let others know what you are working on. It may even attract new members to your church. See an example