In seven pages, Cathleen Hockman-Wert considers the relationship between food and spirituality in her article “Preaching the Good new with our Mouths Full” published in Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology. In a light-hearted way, Hockman-Wert invites discussion on how daily choices in food affect the world whether for better or worse. She suggests several tried-and-true ways to use food choices as an act of Christian witness. She discusses food as a gift, a moral issue and a spiritual discipline.
Hockman-Wert inspires a delightful challenge when she quotes Wendell Berry: “Our Anabaptist tradition emphasizes discipleship: a concern for how we live out our faith in ordinary life. The constant nature of our need to eat provides a tremendous opportunity to express our faith every day.”
Hockman-Wert co-authored Simply in Season a cookbook commissioned by Mennonite Central Committee.