by Karla Braun Drip. Drip. I was raised to be conscious of water wastage. I didn’t need a list of five ways to save water…
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Anabaptist History and the Climate Crisis
By Jace Longenecker This piece on voluntary carbon taxes was originally one of the top speeches from Goshen College’s 2020 C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical…
Read morePeaceful revolution welcomes companions
Dean Lehrke of Altmont, Kans., is an MCCN member who lives off the grid in a straw bale house with a composting toilet and a…
But We Can’t Make a Difference
by Anthony Siegrist Some time ago, I found myself sitting in front of a very crowded room. I was part of a panel discussing Christian…
Do Churches Matter in the Environmental Crisis?
by Anthony Siegrist We could see the green copper roof of the Parliament building through the wide glass windows surrounding us. We were on the…
Read moreFor in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:19 - 20