Care for God’s Creatures is one of the Earth Day resources that Creation Justice Ministries puts out each year. The material explores how we learn from God’s creatures and considers the meaning of our Genesis call to dominion over animals. In addition to Christian education materials, it includes sermon starters and liturgical ideas for a Blessing of the Animals ceremony and a creature-themed worship service.
Earth Day Resource
Care for God’s Creatures
Wild Ways
Filmmaker Martin Ostrow wrote to alert us of a conservation documentary due to air on the PBS program, Nova, on April 20. You may have…
Read moreInhabit: A Permaculture Perspective
Is your congregation thinking of starting a community garden or in need of new vision for the one you have? If you have heard of…
Read moreConference Features Congregations’ Green Pursuits
Read the March 2016 Reporter from the Central District Conference and you’ll see references to solar panels, rain gardens, a blue heron rookery, a sandhill…
Read moreEco-Justice Ministries
Eco-justice Ministries focuses on congregations as agents of change and environmental justice. The organization grounds itself on four affirmations: God wills shalom for the world….
Read moreFor in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:19 - 20