Articles in Uncategorized

Mennonite Church of Normal:

Rain Garden Promotes Wonder, Curbs Polution

Zipping and fluttering in the air against a backdrop of wildflowers, hummingbirds and dozens of species of dragonflies and butterflies have come to inhabit the native prairie rain garden at the Mennonite Church of Normal. An existing 1700 sq ft turf drainage swale adjacent to the church parking lot was converted to a rain garden in order to increase landscape biodiversity, enhance the swale’s ability to filter stormwater runoff and to promote curiosity and wonderment in children of the congregation and the surrounding neighborhood. Read more and see photos


Week of Farming at EMU

Eastern Mennonite University’s annual Food and Farming week, which started on Oct. 3, was a look into the world of sustainability.  The week hosted opportunities…

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Evangelical Environmental Network This organization has been around since 1993 and therefore is able to offer a large, well-equipped web site as well as a monthly magazine, Creation…

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Greening Sacred Spaces

Greening Sacred Spaces is a Canadian interfaith organization that helps congregations work with both their buildings and the human element to make places of worship more…

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Interfaith Power and Light Interfaith Power and Light operates in 38 states in the U.S. to spur congregations to develop a religious response to global warming. One recent…

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For in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.

Colossians 1:19 - 20