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Intersections, Summer 2017 

Responding to Climate Change 

Intersections is Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC’s) online quarterly on theory and practice related to international development. “Climate change is challenging MCC’s efforts to build healthy communities,…

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Brown’s Ranch

Gabe Brown, a North Dakota farmer and rancher, is known for his cover cropping systems and healthy soil. His no-till farming methods are featured in the Cover Crop Innovators Video Series, on the Land Stewardship Website and various other sustainable farming websites. As a pioneer of the soil health movement, he has mentored many other farmers.


Green Gold

This 48-minute documentary features the work of filmmaker and ecologist John D. Liu. Green Gold argues that it is possible to rehabilitate degraded ecosystems on a large scale and explains how. The film includes both chilling panoramas showing how centuries of overgrazing and agriculture can denude an area and also hopeful stories of recovery.

Union of Concerned Scientists:

Top Ten Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Emissions 

Greening can feel like a jumbled array of little tips, some of which are not that effective. Jennifer Hiebert, the creation care liaison at Hyattsville Mennonite Church in Hyattsville, Maryland, recommends these resources from the Union of Concerned Scientists:

Cooler Smarter Top Ten List      Longer Excerpt: Cooler Smarter

The Cooler Smarter resources were part of the response at Hyattsville Mennonite Church, Hyattsville, MD, the Sunday President Trump announced his intent to leave the Paris Climate Agreement.

For in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.

Colossians 1:19 - 20