Meet our new Green Patchwork congregations, added in early 2016. Congregational members have a liaison to MCCN and are committed to working at creation care in…
Read moreReal Life: Waking Up to God’s Creation
Everence offers a three-session curriculum for youth on being good stewards of God’s creation. The sessions begin with relevant scriptures and relate them to contemporary problems. The first session is an introduction to creation care; the second focuses on water and the third on climate change. Download the .pdf for free.
Inspiration and Resources Related to Climate
What the Paris Agreement Does and Doesn’t Do If you are still trying to figure out what the Paris climate talks accomplished, here is an…
Read moreMeetup Connects People with Common Interests
MCCN encourages its members to network with other MCCN members regionally, or with other environmental groups with similar goals. Joseph Cook, an MCCN member from…
Read moreNow’s the Time for a Carbon Tax…Even if You Have to Tax Yourself
MCCN member Amy Huser of Emmaus Road Mennonite Church, Berne, Ind., has a challenge for us. She writes: I bought gas for $1.66 not long…
Read moreFor in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:19 - 20