Todd Wynward is a public school founder, wilderness educator and small-scale farmer who lives with his family in Taos, NM. Recently he was licensed by…
Read moreDecide how to get there
Keep the Earth in Your Travel Plans
The Union of Concerned Scientists has prepared a publication called Getting There Greener: A Guide to Your Lower Carbon Vacation that can help you decide…
Read moreBartimaeus Cooperative Ministries
Radical discipleship, bioregional eco-justice, restorative justice and Sabbath economics are the key words at this creative ministry run by Ched and Elaine Myers. Low-cost, high…
Read moreBirds with a Gettysburg Address
Bonita Portzline, creation care liaison at Fairfield Mennonite Church, Gettysburg, Pa., enjoys birding and nature photography near her home. She shares her photographs in public…
Read moreCreation Care Primer
Canadians, Mennonite Church Canada has created a three-page resource to help congregations start thinking about creation care. It includes a section on the Mennonite faith…
Read moreFor in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:19 - 20