Photo, left: A patchwork quilt used as a burial shroud for a funeral conducted by Benton Mennonite Church, Benton, Ind. A “natural burial,” usually means…
The Five-Ton Life
The Five-Ton Life: Carbon, America and the Culture That May Save Us, by Susan Subak Reviewed by Jennifer Schrock If you are getting tired of our…
The Vulture: An Inspiration for our Economy
The vulture is under-appreciated. We would all be better off if this noble creature had more of our respect. Better yet, we should make our native turkey vulture the inspiration for our economy and put it on our coins as a symbol of hope.
Churches Update March 2021
Congregations Send Tree Bouquets, Recycle Electronics and Dig into Soil Science Here are a few things moving in our network: Participants at Ambler Mennonite Church,…
Read moreAquafaba:
How to Turn a Waste Product into Plant-based Ice Cream
by Luke Hertzler
I’ve made a lot of plant-based creations I’m excited about, but my aquafaba ice cream adventures are what I most want to share with you. Aquafaba (which translates, bean water) is the liquid that you pour out when you’re draining a can of chickpeas, but it can be from any other beans as well. (more…)
For in [Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:19 - 20